#cake.plate form=raw
#opts flame=off #cake.bars
#title Pagecake #body {p2} #p1 Pagecake is a wikiblog, providing the combined ease and power of a personal wiki and blog with a community dialogue system. #p2
A wikiblog is the perfect choice for a personal or project website as it allows you to build and maintain any html you can imagine. Keep all of your public facing information in one easy-to-update place; just login and edit from any browser, anywhere.
Because the Pagecake wikiblog is designed as a personal site, you are in full control and can use any html without the silly security restrictions found in wiki markups or being forced to treat every page as a blog post.
You should probably START HERE to find out more.
Our code is MIT licensed, lua based for flexibility and designed to operate standalone or as the core of bigger projects.
  1. 1 #plate
  2. 2 {pagecake}
  3. 3  
  4. 4 #pagecake
  5. 5 <img src="/data/geca"/>
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